Appartments Νο1 - Νο2 - Νο4 - Νο5


Two room confortable and fully equiped appartments with private balcony. Appartments No1 and No2 are situated on the second floor while No4 and No5 on the first floor.

Maisonettes Νο3 - Νο6


Two room confortable and mezeonettes filly equiped with private balcony. Mezonette No3 is situated on the second floor while No6 on the first floor.

Semi-basement Appartment Νο7




Two room confortable and fully equiped appartment at the semi-basement. It has its own cool small garden yard.

Photo Gallery

By clicking on the button below you have the chance to see photos of Villa Mimagia. These photos show the inside of the apartments but also the outside area. Furthermore you may see some of the basic facilities such as, bedrooms, living room, dining room, balcony, kitchen equipment, WC, strong box etc.